South Africa's professional steam train operator


Reefsteamers has a large collection of rolling stock and a hugh depot area which need maintenance.
In this section we like to show you the most important projects we have actual. We distinguish our projects between “Actual Projects” and “Long Term Projects”.
With the income of the train tickets and the sold souvenirs we can financial a part of our projects, but your support as a future working member or donator is necessary to financial all the work which need to be done.

Only with your support Reefsteamers is able to preserve the most important parts of South African’s industrial revolution.
Blease support us with a Reefsteamers membership and get involved in preserving steam trains or you like to support us with a donation?

Needs to be done ASAP.
1) The RHS brake vacuum cylinder needs to be removed and stripped. It has been sticky because of rust on the interior of the bore caused
by water ingress into the vacuum system.
2) The physical piping arrangement to the RHS vacuum cylinder needs to be checked. (Drainage.)
3) The oil cups for the Bissell swing linkages were not installed when the locomotive was commissioned. Spare oil cups need to be sourced and installed.
4) The wicks for the oil cups on the entire locomotive need to be checked and replaced if necessary.
5) The grease tube for the center bearing on the brake gear’s way shaft is missing and needs to be replaced.

Needs to be done ASAP.
1) Finish painting the interior to the new std dual-tone brown scheme.
2) Install the seats and the panel trimming.
3) The plumbing needs to be reinstated.
4) The coach needs to be converted to 220V AC and the lights recommisioned.
5) Running this coach will allow us to take one of the regular coaches out of service for much needed floor repairs, cosmetic work and attention to the bogies.

Needs to be done by end of January.
1) Uncouple the tender and move it to the 15M workshops.
2) The tender body and tank are to be removed from the frames.
3) Full access to bogies, brake gear and axles must be provided by the end of January.
4) The locomotive is to be worked on by Greg Mc.Lannan, and he will be starting at end of January by refurbishing the tender.

Needs to be done by end January.
1) Bring the spare crane boiler into the 15M shop.
2) The spare boiler is to be commissioned.
3) The crane needs to be checked and lubricated.
4) The crane is required to be in steam by end Jan\ early February to beable to rescue machinery and heavy items from the SANRASM site.

Needs to be done by end of January.
1) Prepare the two partially stripped GMAM’s owned byIan Welsch for moving to FotR premises.
2) They were shunted last year so they shouldn’trequite too much work to be made mobile again.
3) They should be moved by the end of January.
4) FotR should be conducting the move and will probably haul the Garratts on return from dropping their Class 15F 3117 at our depot
for derailment damage repair.
5) Details and timings still need to be finalized.

Needs to be done by end Feb for summer running.
1) New valve rings need to be sourced from foundry stock and made to fit the actual bores. (The ‘stock’ rings appear to be have been slightly oversized which caused premature failure.)
2) The spool valve assembly needs to be reinstalled.
3) The valves need to be reset.
4) The front bogie has a ventral displacement. Its frame is lower at the
trailing axle than at the leading. This needs to be investigated.

Needs to be done by end Feb.
1) The electric perimeter fence needs to be extended.
2) We expect to be receiving up to 22 items of ex-SANRASM rolling
stock and locomotives, quite a lot more than that which was originally
planned for. Thus the perimeter fence will need to be extended.